
The Timetable of All Classes as Follows
The Primary Wing has a 6 hour schedule for 6-days. Primary, Middle and Senior: The time-table is a 6 hours, 8-period time-table.
Primary,Middle and Senior
The time-table is a 6 hours, 8-period time-table.
Teaching-Learning Strategies

Teaching-Learning Strategies Follows
The emphasis is on exposing the children to the facts through various learner-centered individual and group activities. The teacher is an organizer, a guide, and a facilitator.
Value- Based Education
A child is potentially divine: "The school atmosphere, the personality and behavior of the teachers, the facilities provided in the school, have a large say in developing a sense of values in him/her." Our action plan is based on the belief that value development is a psychological-cum-sociological process where children at various stages are guided by imitation, suggestions and identification.
The promotion of the programmers’ in human values in the school has implications for curriculum framing and application of innovative ideas. Conscientious efforts are made to encourage the consciousness of values which permeate the whole school curriculum & our program of study.
We, in Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanshtan, inculcate in our students a strong value system. We nurture them like saplings, imbibe in them our cultural heritage and instill universal values. Our strategies for inculcation of values in our children are
Morning Assemblies which include
1. Prayer
2. Thought for the day
3. Silent sitting
4. Meditation
5. Story telling
6. Group Singing
7. Group Discussion
Setting teaching learning objectives that are value based.
-Being a role model for our children through our reflections of our work and behaviour.
Special Projects and Exhibition.
-Celebration of National and Religious festivals.
- Interaction with people who can be the role -model for the students
-Attending Seminars and Workshops.
-Study of Literature & Books
-Music and Art 'Encouraging them to participate in value-based programmers.